Freedom Stories
Love’s Freedom Story
This is where it all began! Listen to Larson’s Freedom story which he shared on a recent visit to our main Des Moines campus, where he came as a middle school and high school student.
Freedom for Youth Ministries is having an impact on the community, collaborating with other churches, ministries, and non-profit organizations on Kingdom work!
Audio Stories
Our Director of Development & Community Engagement, Brian Patterson, and our Director of Programming, Jessica Evans had the opportunity to to spread the word about what God is doing here at Freedom in this interview on “Inside Iowa” hosted by Kim Chase, on Nash FM 97.3, 95 KGGO, 98.3 The Vibe, 1700 The Champ, and 92.5 KJJY.
See what happens in a local business when creative volunteers and talented Freedom students come together to answer the question “What’s important to you?”
Freedom Construction Services is the Freedom for Youth social enterprise where young adults learn skilled trades, grow their faith, and develop work habits, inside a construction company.
Imani came to the US from Tanzania, and his life was transformed through the love of Jesus Christ at Freedom for Youth Ministries.
Freedom Construction Services Superintendent Nate Evans and Freedom for Youth Ministries Director of Development & Community Engagement Brian Patterson talk to Jen Green at Life 107.1 about the life-changign opportunities for employees at Freedom Construction Services, one of two employment training organizations operated by Freedom for Youth Ministries.
At Freedom for Youth, students and young adults across 21 Iowa counties receive food, transportation, love, and support, and the chance to build relationships.
To volunteer for Freedom for Youth is to take part in God’s work, to help Iowa youth discover their God-given talents and lead transformed lives.
Freedom Blend Coffee is a social enterprise of Freedom for Youth, where young people learn life and employment skills and grow their faith and confidence inside a neighborhood coffee shop.
Small towns across Iowa get to know Freedom for Youth Ministries when Freedom Quest comes to town.