Current ICYN Members:

Burlington, Iowa | City Hope Foundation
City Hope exists to promote the flourishing of individuals, families, and communities in Southeast Iowa and West-Central Illinois through building relationships, meeting needs, and sharing hope. City Hope Foundation seeks to fulfill its mission through four core values - relationships, youth development, work/life skills development, and neighborhood development. Contact: Tim Svoboda

Carlisle, Iowa | Freedom for Youth Ministries
The Carlisle Freedom Center, founded in 2017, offers Whiz-Kidz (K-5th Grade) and Discovery (6th-8th grade) weekly after-school programs. Contact: Penni Zinkula

Colfax, Iowa | First Baptist Church
The Purpose of First Baptist Church is to Glorify God in everything we do, making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 1:17; Matthew 28:18-20). Our Vision is to be united in love creating a healthy church family, with relevant and engaging approaches to ministry, and bearing fruit in effective community outreach (Acts 15:19; Ephesians 4:11-16). The community outreach currently includes but isn't limited to Awana programs for children, Cellar Youth activities, VBS each summer, Spring Valley Bible Camp, and more.

Davenport, Iowa | Hope at the Brick House  
Hope at the Brick House has been giving hope to individuals and families through spiritual, educational, and community-based support for 30 years. After
school/summer programs & neighborhood outreach including tutoring, Bible time, games, and a meal are offered for K-6th grade students.
Contact: Joyce Klopp

Des Moines | Christian Life Church
Christian Life Church, located on the beautiful south side of Des Moines, is a diverse family of believers from various backgrounds who share one thing in common - We all need Jesus! We are a church family dedicated to helping people know God, find belonging, and become the person they're called to be. Our 10 am Sunday morning worship experience is open to all and we encourage everyone to come as they are. Christian Life is committed to demonstrating the love of Christ to our community through comprehensive midweek ministries for the whole family, strategic partnerships with other likeminded ministries, and targeted local outreaches to be a blessing to our neighbors. Contact: Megan Yturriaga

Fairfield, Iowa | Minute Ministries/Treehouse
Minute Ministries’ mission is to equip and empower people through scripture. Bringing them hope and encouragement, knowing there is a real God who cares about them and that they are significant in His sight. The Treehouse meets weekly to speak into the lives of teens and desires to end hopelessness among teens in the Fairfield area. Contact: Brad Hendrickson

Knoxville | Freedom for Youth Ministries
The Knoxville Freedom Center opened in June 2016 and now offers Whiz-Kidz (K-5th grade) and Discovery/Journey (6th-12th grade) weekly after-school programs. Contact: Christy Meissner

Melbourne, Iowa | Kids for Christ
Kids for Christ is a ministry for K-5th graders who live in Melbourne, Iowa, that meets once a week after school for snacks, crafts, songs, scripture memory, and Bible lessons. Contact: Sarah Kielman

Montezuma, Iowa | First Evangelical Presbyterian Church
The First Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Montezuma, Iowa is dedicated to knowing Jesus and making Jesus known. We offer a weekly after school program. K-5th graders love walking (running!) to the church on Wednesdays for a snack, game, singing, and to receive truth from God's Holy Word. Our church family loves sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with the children in our community!
Contact: Amy Ver Meer

Montezuma, Iowa | Roots of Home
Roots of Home strives to create strong family and community support systems for children and youth in our state's foster care system.  Through our transitional living program, we work to give youth ages 18-25 a stable environment to heal from their past, learn essential skills for the present, and dream for their future.  Additionally, our Resource Center provides needed clothing and resources to foster, kinship, and biological families caring for children in our state's foster care system. Our Resource Center also provides a comfortable, home-like environment for family visits.  In every way possible Roots of Home's mission is to plant seeds of hope and grow strong families. Contact: Paige Wilson

Newton, Iowa | Discover Hope 517
Discover Hope’s mission is to discover hope through Jesus Christ to be redeemed, renewed, and restored. They are dedicated to providing recovery and restoration for those struggling with addiction. Discover Hope believes in the power of God’s Word, prayer, and restoration, and is a place to find a community to believe in you as you work on your recovery. They have also begun a youth program for the children of their Breaking Free program attendees.

Norwalk, Iowa | Fellowship Community Church
Discipling the next generation to know God, trust God, and obey God for the fame of His name.
Contact: Forrest Parsons

Panora, Iowa | Faith Bible Church
The mission at Faith Bible Church is worshiping and sharing, reaching out and growing for the glory of God. We do community outreach to youth through our after-school program, Fridays@Faith, for K-5th grade. Activities include homework completion, themed arts and crafts, outside play, and snacks. Also, at Tribe Student Ministries, 7th-12th graders meet for a time of fellowship, fun, food, and Bible Study. Contact: Trevor Nunn

Pella, Iowa | 725 Ministries
725 Ministries is a non-profit who walks along teens, young adults and really anyone God puts in our path who walk sometimes triple-beat-down storms.  The people God puts in our lives never have to run in the storm alone, they have a bedrock named Jesus they can cling to. Contact: Kristi Pinegar 

The Iowa Christian Youth Network (ICYN) was founded by Freedom for Youth Ministries (FFYM) to connect Christ-centered churches and ministries who desire to reach students with the Gospel in their community. The Network is a place where members can engage with each other, find encouragement, and be empowered to share the love and Good News of Jesus with students across Iowa.

If you or your ministry would like to learn more about the Iowa Christian Youth Network, visit ICYN.ORG.