Journey is an after-school and summer program for students in 9th through 12th grade to learn and experience the love of Jesus, succeed in school, develop professional job skills, and grow as servant leaders.

Christian volunteers across denominational lines lead each aspect of the program as they build healthy, authentic relationships that point to Christ. High school students spend time in large group Bible lessons, worship, and small group discussions that focus on discipleship, developing a personal relationship with Christ, and creating meaningful applications to their everyday lives. Through tutoring and life skills classes, Journey helps students attain their high school diploma and focus their God-given talents toward higher education and/or employment.

High school youth also have the opportunity to enroll in classes such as Future U where they begin to build a solid foundation for a bright future of purposeful employment and financial stability. Overall, Journey prepares students for the future while pointing them to Christ and encouraging servant leadership in their family, school, and community.

Want to join us? Sign up here!

Students who want to go further with their newfound faith may participate in the Freedom for Youth Journey Development Program, where they’ll participate in a year of focused discipleship including Bible study, prayer, leadership development, service, and mentor support. Additional instruction in practical subjects include acquiring a passport, graduation preparation, college visits, and raising support for an international mission trip. Read more about it here.
